Beningo Embedded Group is an embedded software consulting and training company that specializes in real-time embedded software for microcontroller based systems. Beningo Embedded Group helps its customers achieve their technical and business objectives by mentoring teams through their RTOS-based software architectures, training teams in RTOS fundamentals and application design patterns, and acting as a sounding board for design and development issues. Founded in 2009, Beningo Embedded Group has delivered over 150 projects in such diverse and high-profile applications as small satellite systems, flight computer software, propulsion control systems, medical devices, sensor acquisition systems, electronic power supplies (eps), battery management systems (bms), imaging systems, smart watchdogs, and more. For more information, visit the Beningo Embedded Group website.
Cypherbridge Systems provides IoT Design Services. IoT systems demand a broad range of specialized skills, including embedded device software, networking, IoT cloud computing, and expert security practices. Cypherbridge offers technical solutions and comprehensive design services for IoT device level software, product integration, and secure cloud connectivity.
Design services Include:
Application software development on the PX5 platform
TCP/IP network stacks, including Ethernet, WiFi, and LTE
FAT file systems
USB host and device class drivers
SDKPac off-the-shelf SDKs
IoT security planning and solutions, retrofit, and modernize
IAR, Keil Eclipse/GCC toolchains
Integration with off-the-shelf development kits and customer hardware systems
Product software R&D, piloting, production, and long-term technical support
IT to IoT end-to-end systems
For more information, visit the Cypherbridge website.
JBLopen provides software products and expertise for everything related to RTOS and bare-metal applications. JBLopen’s product offering includes the TREEspan transactional file system and the BASEplatform cross-platform SDK. JBLopen also offers development and support consulting services for RTOS porting, driver and BSP development, optimization, firmware migration, troubleshooting, and more. For more information, visit the JBLopen website.
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